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Date Posted:09/28/2020 3:28 PMCopy HTML

Do no harm is a sacred oath that's expected to be followed by everyone, especially by those in a position that is supposed to protect American's health and lives..Yet we learn from Bob Woodward's recordings of Trump saying he deliberately lied about the severity of the corona-19 pandemic in late January and could have saved thousands of lives (over 200,000 now and still growing) if he had told America the truth! 

OK, it's time for everyone to do a gut check and face the reality that there is a fungus-among-us in Trump and his entire White House den of corruption.  It's time we sent a very strong message to them that says:

- It's not OK for Putin/Russia to meddle in our elections.

- It's not OK for Putin/Russia to pay cash rewards to the Taliban for killing Americans.

- It's not OK to call our military personnel, consisting of both Veterans and current personnel, of being suckers and losers.

The real suckers are the ones that Trump has conned into supporting him for re-election.
And if he is re-elected the real losers are America and the other countries in the world, except for Russia, China, North Korea and Iran..

Tell him that America is a democratic nation that deserves a real President, and not a dictator like him.. It's time for Trump to go back to his reality TV show and his corrupt real estate empire where he can enjoy being a dictator.

BTW.  I'm not for Biden..I belong to the ABT party now..(A)nyone (B)ut (T)rump.

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
ewaynec Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:09/29/2020 1:57 PMCopy HTML


  You are an idiot, and as usual you spew idiotcy like a festering wound. You have ruined this board by posting lies and insinuating that anyone who disagrees with you is dumb, or worse. I have never seen a post of yours that in not full of the Liberal talking points. To try to discuss anything with you is fruitless. To point out where you are wrong us useless.

  I will check in every once in a while to see if Kenneth is back, but until then I guess you are on your own.

Wayne C (not to be confused with the other wayne)

For the man who thinks he is free, there is no escape. Wayne Collier.
scardonk Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:09/30/2020 1:59 PMCopy HTML

Yep, this board is dead. Nobody has posted in over 2 months. Getting lonesome? You can post all of the crap you want and nobody cares. You ran everybody off and now you have it all. ENJOY!
P.E.T.A (People Eating Tasty Animals) I'm deplorable and proud of it.
wm4bama Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:09/30/2020 3:32 PMCopy HTML

Thanks for telling us you're one of the fools conned by Trump...You can be Pro-America or Pro-Trump...but you can't be both...Good luck, and smooth sailing while you try to survive the rest of a corrupt Trump administration...

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/16/2020 10:03 PMCopy HTML

I just wish they would kick out  that  old 'B'  Nancy P.   People out there in bad shape and that  old cow , not wearing her mask and not missing dying that white hair telling the

rest of us we don't need stimulus package and we should stay in the house like frightened children.  Wish the protestors would quit worrying about statues and parade around her

mansion all night long and cut her phone lines , so, she can't call the police to come and help  her. Jam her cellphone signal.

Dang, she's a  stubborn old witch. Just playing the politics game. Hope Trump  kicks her rump  out if he  has  the power  to do so if he gets re-elected.  It's gonna be her way or the highway

so sick of her  stalling I'd like to slam  a shovel in her face. LOL

wm4bama Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #5
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/17/2020 12:50 PMCopy HTML

The real reason Trump is using every dirty re-election tactic is not to help America but to save himself from multiple prosecutions for 4 more years..

If things don't go Donald Trump's way onElection Day, the President may face more serious matters than how to pack up the West Wing.

Without some of the protections afforded him by the presidency, Trump will become vulnerable to multiple investigations looking into possible fraud in his financial business dealings as a private citizen -- both as an individual and through his company. He faces defamation lawsuits sparked by his denials of accusations made by women who have alleged he assaulted them, including E. Jean Carroll, the former magazine columnist who has accused him of rape. And then there are claims he corrupted the presidency for his personal profits. Sad little man..

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/18/2020 2:07 AMCopy HTML

Nobody in politics is a boy scout or girl scout.   They're all crooked and just want that power.  Pelosi needs to retire looks like she has Parkinsons she shakes like a mexican hairless.  She can dish it out, but, boy , you better not P her off she will stutter and stammer and shake and tell you off.

Too many crooked folks just wanting to make money without working off their family name. Most men and boys have disrespected women some time in their life T ain't the first one and won't be the last I'm sure.  I've had my butt grabbed, eyes not looking me in my face while speaking to me, etc.

Plenty of jail time for the lot of them if justice would ever be served.  We need a 3rd choice.

wm4bama Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #7
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/18/2020 1:12 PMCopy HTML

The most important tool we have to set things right is our vote..Make your votes count so we can start the process of getting the losers out of politics and replacing them with people who understand they work for us, the people, and not for themselves or for a political party.  

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/18/2020 1:42 PMCopy HTML

That would be a first.  Only the rich can run for office and most of them it's come down thru their fathers.

They're working for themselves. Nobody cares about the people. "Let 'em eat cake".

Everybody is feeding from the public trough.   At least Trump put out the hit on the foreign  baddies that would kill Americans in a New York minute. He offered to clear the streets of the trash

that was taking over the streets, destroying people's businesses, tearing down monuments, etc.    Hopefully, he sends in people to tear down Atifa and other terrorist hate groups. If you don't love

America , shag it over to North Korea and pull those stunts . You'll never see the light of day again.  Don't think the Wall will amount to nothing, but, he's giving it the old college try I guess. Trying to

not let the foreigners in , so, they can rip off the system . Get on Medicaid, have your baby declared a U.S. citizen so, now they can get free food, Medicaid, on and on.

I liked that he put an end to low income housing can't go into the nice suburbs that we raked and scraped to be able  to afford and pay taxes to be able to live there. Druggies and murderers can't move in and live on the cheap and run out the hard working people whose property now has been devalued who wants to live next to slum lords.

He's no angel, rough around the edges, but, we are better off then the folks who would open the borders and be flooded with disease from other countries, have to treat them for free. Some would let them in, give them 1,200 checks, free health care,  and all they would have to do in return is breed some more like themselves.

wm4bama Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #9
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/19/2020 12:14 PMCopy HTML

Is this the hero you're supporting?

Trump's campaigning stoops to new lows as Covid cases spike

President Donald Trump and the pandemic he is supposed to be fighting are running out of control with the two weeks until Election Day shaping up as among the most ugly and divisive periods ever ahead of a presidential vote.

Trump is fighting for his political life, campaigning at rallies that are almost the only mass participation events with no social distancing taking place in the US. His attacks are getting more extreme as the election gets closer, as he demands the locking up of his political rivals. He's claiming the election, and Thursday's presidential debate, are rigged against him.

He's demonizing Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who was the target of a recently thwarted kidnapping plot. Trying to regain ground in the suburbs, he's using blatantly racist rhetoric to falsely warn White mothers that Democrats want to transform their residential districts with African refugees. This follows Trump's refusal last week to repudiate the QAnon group and his slanderous retweet of an outrageous conspiracy theory that claims Osama bin Laden is alive and Biden and former President Barack Obama might have had SEAL Team Six murdered.

Sad little man!

Read this

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/19/2020 12:46 PMCopy HTML

Your watching too much of the haters over in CNN

China Joe is too old to be of any use to the country. His wife, who I can't stand is propping him up.   Kamala Harris will be running the country when Joe is declared incompetent then Lord help us all.   Man don't know where he's at half the time LOL

Him and Nancy need to go to the rest home.   Now, I see that 'B' is if she is the President has issued a Royal command to settle this corona virus

stimulus plan in 48 hours.  She can settle it in 5 minutes if she just would quit putting over her ridiculous demands for **** that has nothing to do with the immediate problem.  She wants 2.2 trillion, Trump had it at 1.8 then has said he's willing to go higher.  You have to be willing to want to

compromise . It can't all be one side.   The average person is the one who is hurting. They need money for rent, food , gas, utility bills, etc.

Get that da*n money out there to help the people who lost their jobs. Pelosi, just wants to help the dems try to put their state back together again that they couldn't control and wouldn't ask Trump for help. They're stuck with the cost.

2020 just has been a year from hell.  Praying that 2021 has to be better. Shortages and lockdowns are for the birds.

Sharkky Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #11
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/20/2020 1:24 PMCopy HTML

Maybe today finally stimulus action !

wm4bama Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #12
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/20/2020 3:26 PMCopy HTML

If you fact-check the info and find it to be true from more than one source, including watching him and his tweets, then it does not matter which source of the story is used to post..they're all true.

We all should have a moral compass that we rely on to make the right decisions.  As you say, almost everyone in politics has moral we are left to decide who has the least number of faults vs the one with the most number of faults..then we should all use our own moral compass to make the right decision.  And from yesterday's news we see this:

Donald Trump has lashed out at Republican senators distancing themselves from him as the party’s tensions were laid bare in public with election day now just two weeks away.

The US president appeared to dub Republican critics “stupid” at a rally on Sunday after a slew of the party’s congressmen publicly expressed displeasure with aspects of Mr Trump's leadership.  

President Donald Trump's election endgame argument, far from bristling with new solutions to a pandemic that has killed 220,000 Americans, on Monday devolved into a campaign of insults against Dr. Anthony Fauci -- for telling the truth about the disease.

Trump ridiculed Fauci as a "disaster" and an "idiot" who has been around for "500 years" -- trashing one of the nation's best hopes of easing the pandemic along with his recommendations to quell an alarming Covid-19 surge.

I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago...
Sharkky Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #13
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/21/2020 2:16 PMCopy HTML

We finally got Nancy to bend over a little bit, now, McConnell might put the kibosh on the stimulus bill. If it don't get done by Friday guess the poor are SOL.

Trump , I think will kick McConnel's a*s into high gear and get him to see the light of day.   I'll just be glad to see Nov. 3rd come and go. Glad this stuff only comes along every 4 yrs.   Hubbo thinks they should have an age limit on how long these oldsters can remain in office. He also thinks

Judges shouldn't be able to stay in office till they die.

scardonk Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #14
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/21/2020 6:37 PMCopy HTML

TDS is a terrible disease that can not be cured and usually causes the victim to be brain dead. Examples are all around us. Even here.

P.E.T.A (People Eating Tasty Animals) I'm deplorable and proud of it.
Star2 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #15
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:10/31/2020 8:31 AMCopy HTML

Sharkky Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #16
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/01/2020 1:20 AMCopy HTML


Sharkky Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #17
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/05/2020 2:19 PMCopy HTML

Looks like we're fixing to have the first bi racial woman president in the near future. 

Gates to the country will be swung wide open and give aways to all who wants to claim them.

liberal will be the name of the game.   We all need to pray for this country.

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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/07/2020 5:25 PMCopy HTML

I called that right.

And now it begins.

scardonk Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #19
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/08/2020 5:01 PMCopy HTML

Welcome to the DemocRATic  Communist States of America. All hail Comrade Harris who will be president when Biden is declared mentally incompetent.
P.E.T.A (People Eating Tasty Animals) I'm deplorable and proud of it.
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/08/2020 9:45 PMCopy HTML

or cloaks  LOL you notice  he thanked all the voting areas and the folks who handled the ballots.  I heard this one guy say and now it makes sense.

That while trump was busting his arse flying 4 states in one day and talking till he was hoarse, ol ' china Joe was at home, going to a place 30 miles away and talking to 12-15 cars full of people

this guy said that's because he knew the fix was in and he didn't have to exert himself.  Never thought of that, but, makes sense. He didn't seem to be to worried that his opponent was knocking

himself out LOL

We''re getting ready for a national lock  down. Laying in supplies, stamps, etc.  He's hiring Falchi, so, he'll be OK. Won't have to worry about getting fired.

Guess they will allow Walmart to stay open. We like to eat out once a week. Guess our only treat will be getting maybe a drive thru meal. LOL

Sharkky Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #21
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Re:But first, DO NO HARM

Date Posted:11/08/2020 9:48 PMCopy HTML

By the way Hunter has been found all of a sudden. funny how he emerged .  He'll get a cushy job now.

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